Monday, February 15, 2010

Welcome to the Illustrated Life of Leonardo Da Vinci!

The Illustrated life of Leonardo Da Vinci
Welcome to everyone! This is the first post of The Illustrated life of Leonardo Da Vinci, a collection of hand made drawings about the life of Leonardo, the great all-in-one scientartist, the king of italian culture and the most representative man of the Italian Renaissance.

The equation is simple: one post, one drawing. The goal is to tell some points of the Leonardo's life with a gallery of illustrations, starting from the birthplace in Anchiano, passing through the most important milestone of his life, and ending to the last days of the master.

I've started this project to make a kind of graphic novel, so here we go with the cover.

Drawing n.1 - The illustrated life of Leonardo Da Vinci.

Each illustration is hand-made by myself; I draw it on the paper using a pencil, then I apply borders with a black marker, and finally I scan the drawing for digital coloring (I use only 100% open source software).

How did it start

I've been interested in Leonardo since I was a child. The Self Portrait was the first piece of art I saw. I spent hours and hours reading about the life of Leonardo, and about his universal knowledge, from paintings to music, from mechanics to aviation, and I never could find words worth enough to describe Leonardo.

I'm a passionate in drawing, so I ask myself if it couldn't be a nice idea, to create some illustrations about the life of Leonardo and... here we are.