Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Life of Leonardo in Florence

Life of Leonardo in Florence

In the sixteenth century, the town of Florence was certainly the epicentrum of the Italian Renaissance. Artists, artisans and intellectuals were the lifeblood of a great urban system that acted like a lighthouse for the all the world.

In those days, a lot of excellent artist were playing in the city. Their activities were promoted by Lorenzo De Medici, an innovative intellectual and politician. Lorenzo, patron of artists, first realized how important could be the power of culture for the town. He gaved glory and admiration to the city.

And what about Leonardo?

He lived for a short time in the father house, then he moved to the Verrocchio's workshop, to learn and improve his skill in arts and technology.

We all know a legend about Leonardo's activities at Verrocchio.
He worked at The Baptism of Christ, a masterpiece by the Leonardo's master, and he did a marvellous job. He painted an angel, and he gave it such grace and delicacy that other famous painters like Botticelli and Lorenzo da Credi thought Leonardo definitely surpassed his master. Verrocchio listened those comments, and the legend said he never wanted to raise a brush.