Thursday, May 6, 2010

Leonardo, a talented guy


When Leonardo enjoyed the Verrocchio's workshop, he soon became a tireless worker. He emerged for his talents as a painter. Although just a boy, he spent his days working hard, trying to learn as much as possible. We know, this is the only path to perfection.
And he surely was aiming for excellence.

The Verrocchio's bottega was a perfect place for boys in arts. Nowadays we could say they were "in the zone". At Verrocchio's forge, a company of excellent boys was living under the same roof, sharing works and experience with their master. Botticelli, Perugino, Lorenzo da Credi worked very close to Leonardo.

A popular legend says while Leonardo was working on the Baptism of Christ, a masterpiece from his master, another guy told him that the angel he worked could be better that the one drawed by the master. Verrocchio was hidden and he heard every single words. He got shocked, and he never took a brush on his hand.

But I have to say this was a legend.